Best Management Practices for Broiler Brooding

If you haven’t seen it already, the Chicken Farmers of Ontario recently released a short video detailing some Best Management Practices of broiler brooding. Throughout the video, Dr. Scott Gillingham stresses the importance of stockmanship, biosecurity, and attention to detail. We’ll summarize some of his main points below, but strongly encourage you to check out the video here or watch it out below.


It’s of first and foremost importance. Practice biosecurity at every step to limit disease introduction or spread through the farm. Personnel can never be too careful – wear coveralls, gloves, boots and hair nets, and have everyone follow the same protocol.


Audit yourself

“Write down what you do. Do what you write down. And prove it.” Auditing keeps you accountable to yourself and to your birds.



Follow the acronym FLAWSSFood, Lighting, Air, Water, Space and Sanitation

Evaluate these aspects of the barn often. Check the birds and use their behavior as an indicator on what can be improved, and make the proper adjustments. You’re the mother hen now, be broody!





Space & Sanitation:


Dr. Gillingham also discusses the importance of weighing the chicks, evaluating crop fill, and spending time with the birds to monitor their progress and comfort in their early stages of development.



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